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Ok, ok, ya'll get some brownie points on that whole rewind scene. Got damn hilarious ( queue) slow-mo cool edgy walk in scene. How many times have you seen that in the movies XD.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

I don't think I can continue watching this, it's so irritating the way he's so ignorant about currency and just wasting it smh. He's kind of stupid, if they'd quit making him act retarded and frivolously wasting money, then I'd like this a lot more. Too bad because I thought this had potential, I think I'll give it a few more episodes and see if he wisens up, if not, I'll be forced to drop this unfortunately.

What about you though, do you like this series??

I can understand your reasoning on why you would drop this show, I mean giving his situation and what his father told him, he at first didn't truly know the customs of how society was operated, and the value of those precious rocks really meant in money value. I mean look how he rode up in town thinking nothing of it, now I do understand since he's been there for a while he should get a general since of how much them precious rocks truly mean in money value, or not lol. However I do enjoy it trust have you seen ( Wo De YI JIe ZhI Lu) yet if you have then major upgrade from that show XD. I find the humor very pleasing and the story plot is intriguing so yea, but its only the first couple of episode so we'll see if my attitude towards it, is still positive. If you do drop it then that's your choice man I get it, weather they deepen the story plot and make MC wise'n up so far the humor got me, cause aye listen " man just like to enjoy these time fillers you know" XD